I woke with a headache and have zero energy, or actually any desire to do much today. It's the first day in a while that I've felt so melancholy.
Melancholy is defined as, "a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause". Yup, that's exactly how I'm feeling. I guess I could argue that being isolated from family and friends could be a cause of melancholy, but I have been able to navigate our reality without feeling this way for a month. So why today?
I don't have the answer. I only kno
w that I will listen to my inner being and give myself some grace today. I will gently push myself to go for a walk, eat healthy, and stay away form the news. I may reach out to family and friends, or I may sit in front of the TV and binge watch the Newsroom.
I will give myself a day to be sad about what this virus has taken from us, the catastrophic losses that so many families have endured, and the uncertain future we all face. I will give myself a day. I will not let one day become two. Or two days become a week. I will allow myself one day. Tomorrow will be better. I know this. Because all my other tomorrow's have been. We shall all make it through.